

The motions are listed below for both English and Spanish debates.

English Preliminaries:

  • This house supports term limits for elected officials.
  • This house believes that the United States should end sanctions on Cuba.
  • This house would send humans to Mars.

English Grand Final:

  • This house would make the directors of multinational companies personally liable for environmental abuses committed by their companies in the developing world

Spanish Preliminaries:

  • EC legalizaría las actuales tecnologías para elegir los embriones humanos en base a sus caraterístics genéticas. (This house would legalize current technologies for choosing human embryos on the basis of their genetic characteristics.)
  • EC usaría la tortura para obtener información de sospechosos de terrorismo. (This house would use torture to obtain information from suspected terrorists.)
  • EC CQ la negación del Holocausto debería ser una ofensa criminal. (This house believes that Holocaust denial should be a criminal offense.)

Spanish Grand Final

  • ECCQ instituciones internacionales para el desarrollo no deberían financiar proyectos de extracción de recursos naturales en países con gobiernos corruptos. (This house believes that international development institutions should not finance natural resource extraction projects in  corrupt states.)